Reach out to the Foundation for more information; Donate Here; or Text BMHCATHLab to 50155.
Will you help our community have a better chance at recovery? Will you help ensure that your co-workers, friends, and loved ones have access to the best-available treatment protocols in their own backyard? While the Foundation cannot pay for the cost of treatment itself, it does work with the hospital to support projects and initiatives that deliver the care our community needs. With your support, that of the Foundation, and our community, we will fund live-saving, state-of-the-art equipment right here at home.
Blount Memorial Foundation is raising funds to assist Blount Memorial Hospital with the renovation of the CATH Lab. The project cost is $1.5 million. The Foundation has been asked to raise $500,000 of that total. For patients who present to Blount Memorial Hospital with a heart attack, called a STEMI (ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction), having a state-of-the-art CATH Lab nearby is a lifesaving catalyst when every minute counts. “Time is muscle,” according to Dr. Jane Souther, Blount Memorial Hospital’s Chief Medical Officer and cardiologist.
The 58% rise in cardiac interventions this year is projected to only increase, as the risks of dying from heart disease (4.3%) increase post pandemic. BMH’s STEMI team consistently treats patients 20 minutes faster than the national average.
Join us this Giving Tuesday and contribute to the CATH Lab Renovation Fund and help save lives!