Supporting Blount, Supporting You

Caring For All

The goal of any health-care provider is to serve the people of its community through the prevention and treatment of illnesses and injuries. Sometimes, though, serving means helping patients in other ways, especially in cases of financial hardship.

Blount Memorial Foundation provides assistance to the uninsured and underinsured patients of Blount Memorial Hospital. From clothing to oxygen, we make sure discharging patients are able to leave the hospital safely and continue to recover. As one of the ER case managers stated, "Because of the foundation, I am able to take better care of our patients. The foundation provides medication, food, durable medical equipment and more to those who would otherwise do without."

At Blount Memorial Foundation, we consider ourselves the helping hands of the Hospital, working to ensure that the patients from Blount, Loudon, Monroe (our primary service areas) and surrounding counties are able to access not only quality health care and services but also preventative programs that contribute to community wellness.

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Foundation Spotlight

Restoring Hope

Last month a cancer patient was diagnosed with cancer reoccurrence.  When he met with Christy, the cancer center's social worker, he mentioned that he was having financial difficulties. His doctor bills from his first cancer were finally under control but working had become difficult with the second diagnosis. 

With the Foundation's help, Christy provided the patient food for several weeks, fuel cards to get to and from treatment, and assistance with his utilities.  When told of the help, the patient was grateful and told Christy he had considered not continuing treatment, because he was afraid of the cost and consequences of the lack of funds.

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